Group Color Analysis

Monthly Group Color Analysis in San Francisco

  • Curious about color analysis? 

  • Unsure which colors bring out your best?

Discover Your True Colors with Kathryn Griffin

  • Dive into the vibrant world of color analysis, led by color expert, Kathryn Griffin. In these lively and engaging workshops, you'll embark on a journey to uncover the hues that harmonize with your own unique color story.

What to Expect:

  • Presentation: Learn about the season and sub-season systems and the color theory behind it.

  • Personalized Analysis: Receive individual attention to determine your place within the seasonal spectrum.

  • Take-Home Tools: Walk away with a color palette so you can begin identifying your colors right away.

  • Interactive Q&A: Have your burning color questions answered in a dynamic Q&A session.

Event Details:

  • Participants: Limited seating for an intimate and focused experience.

  • Duration: Approximately two hours to ensure each participant receives individual attention.

Join Us: Transform the way you see color and yourself. Whether you're a fashion enthusiast, looking to refresh your wardrobe, or simply curious about finding your best colors, this session promises insights and revelations. Walk away knowing infinitely more about your ideal color palette than when you arrived.


May 4th 11AM FULL

May 4th 2 PM FULL

May 18th 11 AM FULL

May 18th 2 PM Full


June 1 2PM Full

June 8 11AM

June 8 2 PM

Corporate color and style sessions, tailored to your companies professional needs and goals.

Corporate Sessions

Team building, educational and fun!